Friday, August 24, 2018

A Short Indiana Roadtrip

Bill and I just returned from a 3 day road trip to Northern Indiana.  I found some places to visit on  Our first stop was Mayberry CafĂ© in Danville, IN

The cinnamon biscuits and apple butter were our favorite treat.
We traveled on to Parke County and drove two 34 mile routes to 10 covered bridges.  We know it would be beautiful in the fall, but would also be very crowded.  There are 58 covered bridges in this part of Indiana.

Most you could drive through, but not this one.  Don't think I would want too.
There were many tunnels of trees to drive through. I like that :)
Online I saw how beautiful the Basilica of the Sacred Heart Chapel is on the University of Notre Dame campus.  That was on my to do list.  However, we were informed the campus is closed to visitors when classes are in session.  There are barriers up.  This is as close as we got.
This morning we visited the Black Pine Animal Sanctuary in Albion, IN.  My favorite, of course, was  the tigers.

This is not a zoo.  It is a rescue for injured and mistreated animals.  Interesting.
A good stop.